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Choosing the Right Facebook Campaign Objective

As important as it is to understand how Facebook ads work, it’s really important to know which objective you should choose based on your business goals. In my last post, I had given a gist about the Facebook campaign objectives and in today’s content, we’ll dive deep into what these objectives are all about and which one you need to choose.

facebook campaign objective, facebook advertising

Facebook Campaign Objective:

Your campaign objective is basically what you want your audience to do when they see your ad. For eg, if you want to generate leads for your business, you can create ads to serve the purpose of generating leads and Facebook optimizes your ads accordingly.

Borrowing content from my previous post, I’m giving a quick recap of the three buckets of Campaign Objectives that is present on Facebook:

1. Awareness – To make your product/service reach more people and create interest.

2. Consideration – To make your audience seek more information about your business or consume a gist of your product/service

3. Conversion – To convert your prospects into customers

1. Awareness:

As the name suggests, this level is to create interest in your product/service among the audience. For instance, you are a new taxi service in the market and you want more people to become aware of your launch, this could be the right objective. At this level. We have 2 campaign objectives:

1A. Brand Awareness: Make people aware of your brand or business(product/service). With Brand Awareness, you have the option of “Brand Recall”, with which you get real-time feedback of how many people have recalled seeing your ad in the past 2 days.

1B. Reach: Show your ad to the maximum no of people in your target audience and control how many times they can see it.

Unlike Brand Awareness, Reach is focused on reaching more number of people and you can also control the frequency. Whereas, Brand Awareness is all about showing ads to people who are most likely to recall your brand.

Though you can add CTA buttons on these ads, the campaign will be optimized only to serve the purpose and you can expect only minimum clicks if you do so.

2. Consideration:

Consideration level is to make your audience seek more information about your business or consume a gist of your product/service. Let’s say you want your audience to visit your company website or generate leads for your business, this is the right level you need to choose.

There are 5 types of Campaign objectives under the consideration level:

2A. Traffic: This objective is all about driving traffic from Facebook to an external URL, be it your website, blog post, YouTube video etc. With the help of Facebook Pixel, this will help you to create a good level of custom audience to whom you can do retargeting since they are already aware of your business.

2B. App Installs: Very similar to the traffic campaign, the only difference is that you will be sending them to the App Store or Play Store and focus on getting installs for your apps. The best practice to run App Install ads is to show them only to mobile devices so people can go ahead and install your app right away of they like it.

2C. Engagement: This objective comes into play when you have created a post on your page and want more people to interact with it. This can be further classified to 3 sub-objectives:

Post Engagement – Get more likes, shares and comments on your post

Page Likes – Promote your Page and get more page likes

Event Responses – Make people aware of your event and raise attendance

2D. Video Views: Promote Videos about your products/services and make people engage with it. Videos being the most consumed form of content, your ad gets delivered to the audience who are most likely to watch it. This objective is a very powerful method especially when you are introducing your product/service to a cold audience and you can use the audience for retargeting your services later. You can even get the stats of up to what length people have watched your video, with which you can filter out the most engaged and least engaged audience.

2E. Lead Generation: Collect leads for your business with the help of inbuilt lead forms on Facebook. Your prospect doesn’t have to go to a landing page or website to enquire about your services. Instead, you can create a form within Facebook in which the basic contact information is already auto-filled and your prospect just has to submit the form. The flexibility of this feature is that you can ask custom questions, and you can qualify leads based on the intent.

2F. Messages: Connect with people on Messenger and communicate with people who are highly interested in your product or service. This will also help you build an audience on your page’s Messenger, which you can use to Broadcast messages with the help of tools like Manychat, Chatfuel etc.

facebook campaign objective

3. Conversion:

The goal of conversion ads is to turn potential prospects into buying customers. There are 3 objectives:

3A. Conversion: Make people take action on your site/store. This includes Application sign-ups, Complete Registrations, Purchase, Add to cart, Initiate Checkouts, and literally plenty of other conversion objectives to choose from. If you are looking to sell your products/services via Facebook, then this is the objective you need to choose.

3B. Catalogue Sales: Specifically for e-commerce stores, show a catalogue of your products and drive traffic towards sales. This objective works well with dynamic ads, where you can use multiple creatives of your product and Facebook rotates them as required.

3C. Store Visits: Best suited for local businesses, this objective is to promote your business locations to people living nearby. If your business operates in multiple locations(for eg, KFC), you can use this objective to show ads and promote your local business to the specific locations. You can use the call to actions like “Get Direction” so it makes it easier for people to find your store.

All the objectives listed above share their own significance, you can try multiple campaigns with different objectives to test which works best for your business. But remember to have a clear strategy and a good offer to make your ads work.

I hope this article will help you in understanding facebook campaign objective.

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To Your success


Shailesh Verma

I have 3+ years of experience in the Digital Marketing industry as a Website Developer and Social Media Manager certified by the Delhi School of Internet Marketing. In addition, I am Pursuing Marketing Management- Digital Media from Lambton College Toronto, Canada. I have experience in Content Creation and Publication, Managing and Reporting Social media Platforms, Website planning, and development (WordPress/Divi), Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Google Analytics.


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